V2.0 ---- Alternative field titles: You can set alternative field title that contain spaces, characters in non-english languages etc. Page names: Now page name can contain spaces, characters in non-english languages etc. Item can be moved from page to page: Drag-n-drop a datarow to the the page you wish to move the data to. Backup file copies: Each time you save data file old version of the file gets stored in the .bak file Custom fieldsets and pagesets: Creating new notebook you can use custom fieldsets and pagesets. They are text files. You can edit them by hand or create new ones. Examples are given. V2.1 ---- "Related file" fieldtype: Field type to hold a link to a document or executable file. Popup menus: Popup menus added to control main tree and data page. Search improved: Now search process is up to 15% faster. V2.2 ---- Internal changes in code. V2.3 ---- Fixed bug: program crashes on attempt to loag datafile with wrong XML structure. V2.4 ---- Internal changes in code. V2.5 ---- Supports *.pnbt format of template. V2.5.1 ------ Added: Form that edits all fields in record. Fixed bug: "save" buttin did not work correctly on new file. V2.6 ---- Added: Date field type Added: Birthday reminder